Contact: (774) 245-9153


Inspired by the movement to serve others while also caring for the environment.

This creamy and effective all natural, aluminum-free deodorant salve is hand crafted by volunteers using four simple and safe ingredients: shea butter, coconut oil, arrowroot, and baking soda.

PRICE: $10.00


Why Deodorant?

In June 2017, the RIA Team left for a trip to Thistle Farms in Nashville, Tennessee. We, like hundreds of other people from across the globe, gathered on behalf of the freedom and love of people everywhere. Thistle Farms is a comprehensive model offering hope and healing through a holistic residential program and employment model. We are part of a growing network of people and organizations dedicated to changing a society that participates daily in human beings being bought and sold like objects.

While boarding the plane to Nashville, a member of our team shared her frustration that her deodorant never lasted an entire day. And so, for the trip, she had brought along a little homemade jar of all natural deodorant that she had whipped up with ingredients between her kitchen and her bathroom. During that trip, our team was both inspired by the stories of the founders of Thistle Farms serving dozens of women survivors annually, and exceeding $1M in sales across their three justice enterprises, while also being excited about our new deodorant — all natural, aluminum-free, and made with just four (4) ingredients. Everyone loved it!

Our team returned to Boston with a promise that we would make more of this deodorant and have people test it. Over the past year+, more than 120 people have tested this salve providing us good feedback on how to make it better and letting us know what they liked.
“I can’t believe it works.”
“It smells good too.”

“I want more!”

After many tweaks and trial runs, we are finally ready to provide the market with our product. As you purchase this first official batch of RIA Deodorant Salve, know that you are in good company. We promise that our product works. We too promise that proceeds directly support women who have experienced sexual exploitation.

We want to hear from you. Please send your comments to Thank you and Enjoy!

We are grateful to everyone at RIA and all of you who tested the salve, particularly one of our founding members, who toiled over ideas etc., making this moment possible.

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