Education & Research
Buyers Unmasked:
Exposing The Men Who Buy Sex & Solutions To End Exploitation
by: Yasmin Vafa & Nora Hennick
January 2025
Today, Rights4Girls released a new report, “Buyers Unmasked: Exposing the Men Who Buy Sex & Solutions to End Exploitation” – which focuses on the men who buy sexual acts and highlights the devastating damage they cause marginalized women and girls in all our communities.
Survey Findings Reveal Racism and Precarity
by: Humanity United
December 13, 2023
In this guest blog, survivor leaders Evelyn Chumbow, Fainess Lipenga, and Nat Paul share their findings from an anonymous survey exploring trafficking survivor experiences with poverty.
Why Prostitution is Not “Sex Work”
by: Rachel Moran
August 11, 2023
Since the 1970s, a tactical and politically driven agenda has been advanced to promote the global sex trade. This agenda has rested on the reframing of prostitution along two seemingly disparate lines, one being the promotion of prostitution as ordinary work, and the other being the promotion of prostituted people as a sexual minority. Although powerful interest groups have expended a great deal of energy and finance in shifting public opinion on both these points, the reality is that neither of these things are true.
The reality of prostitution is not complex. It is simple.
by: Rachel Moran
June 1, 2022
Prostitution is not sex and it’s not work. Its reality is far from complex – in fact, it’s simple. Trust me, I’ve done it.
I left home three weeks past my 14th birthday, a few months after my father’s suicide, to escape the abuse of a schizophrenic mother who was in the throes of an ever-escalating mental health crisis. I was homeless by the summer of that year, and street-walking by the year after that. I got out of prostitution at 22, returned to education at 24, and the following year took a place in Dublin City University studying for a BA in Journalism.
National Assessment of Demand Reduction Efforts, Part II: New Developments in the Primary Prevention of Sex Trafficking, Final Report
December 2023
Lifelong Wellbeing for Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Collaborative Perspectives From Survivors, Researchers, and Service Providers
Prevalence and Health Correlates of Prostitution Among Patients Entering Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
March 2008
If you need immediate assistance, please dial 911 or call the National Human Trafficking Hotline 888-373-7888, or text 233733 (BeFree). 24 hour hotline, 7 days a week.